symbolism of five

five of swords + five of cups
On their own, these cards are dismal.  Whenever you pick them together, it's enough to make you whisper "Jesus!"  We continue with the fives, which in the tarot has to do with control and power.  Five is full of a tumultuous energy that wants to dominate.  When that energy is released and manifested, life dramatically alters.  Expansion is the name of this game.  It must happen. You can't stop the change. Your controlled environment will become uncontrolled, so fasten your seatbelt, as you get to work on cleaning up the mess from a disastrous sexual relationship or a life-changing health complication.
Concerning the combination of these cards' elements, swords and cups, we have someone who's been selfish, and their behavior has really hurt another person.  Their selfishness has been so gross that their reputation is ruined, because others see how easily they stomp on another person's heart, causing sorrow and the loss of a relationship that had been good.  Which is why this second party is devastated - because there was an open and vulnerable trust b/w the two people, before this jerkface betrayed their partner who is now in emotional pain.
I - Bishop, the tarot reader living behind your computer screen - I have been in this situation.  I won't divulge what my position was - asshole or victim - but I have been there, and I can attest from experience that it's hell for both people.  So I'm gonna take an extra step with today's reading, and I'm gonna share the wisdom in this tarot combination, so the folks suffering can heal after the massive violations that have occurred.
Firstly, to the violator:  You've behaved in a really ugly way, and more than one person knows it.  You've threatened.  You've stolen.  You've manipulated, used, and abused.  Maybe you took advantage of someone who was naive.  What isn't common knowledge is that you feel bad.  By creating a conflict and then winning that conflict, you actually ended up the loser, and you secretly know that.  It will take alot, but return to the person you hurt, and sincerely apologize.
Secondly, to the victim:  Remember that where we put our focus in life has a great deal to do with the quality of our lives.  You may've lost something you cherished with your entire heart and/or soul, but there is more in this world.  This world is so huge and diverse and surprising, that there is more beyond your sadness and the person you're pining for.  I challenge you to forget about your violator.  If they return to you with an apology, it's entirely in your right to not accept it.  Because maybe you realize you don't need them after all.  I suspect you don't feel that way right now.  I suspect there's been tears and maybe depression, but the tarot cards promise that there is so much more beyond your current state of sadness; so much more beyond the person who you loved and then who betrayed you.  Reclaim your power.  I - Bishop, the tarot reader living behind your computer screen - I am rooting for you, dearie. ♥ 
Lastly, a note about today's cards:  They come from a deck called Mythic Tarot, and in fact Mythic Tarot was the first deck I owned.  A namesake relative gave it to me as a Christmas gift when I was fifteen years old, because it's a good starter deck.  With images of Greek mythology, it's easy for a youngster to grasp, in that the images are straighforward.  There's also a possiblility the kiddo is learning this mythology in school at the same time.  It's like the weed of drugs, the breastmilk of dairy products, the hooptie of car ownership - Mythic Tarot is a good and fun first deck.  As the holiday approaches, I recommend this as a present.

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