two king cards

the emperor + king of wands
(l'empereur + roy de baton)
Well...  Someone is certainly stepping into their power!  Today we've got King cards.
In the Tarot, Kings focus upon tangible results and intensify their power.  Earthy influences take center stage, as discipline and force become the highlighted characteristics of someone's personality, enabling them to facilitate influence over others.  Kings are bosses who get shit done.  While these rulers may apply limitations, they do so to deliver certain results.  Although traditionally seen as a representation of fathers and husbands, I've read for women who pick both the Emperor and King of Wands representing their roles as guardian and friend to all.
And this combo perfectly depicts that, an ownership position.  If someone has a business of any size - small, mid, or large - expect the company to progress one to two notches toward going more global.  (The "tangible results" mentioned above.)  With greater influence and success on the world stage, this person must use power wisely.  If this person has a spouse, they must prepare their hubby or wife to start upping their amount of unconditional spousal support. Like Philip to Queen Elizabeth or Kay for Michael Corleone.
There are nine Tarot de Marseilles.  Our cards are from the modern Jodorowsky-Camoin deck, which I hope enhances our contemporary, gender-flexible reading.

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