an audacious aries

king of wands + knight of swords
Two months ago, we had King of Wands representing a competent Sagittarius.  Today we have this tarot card again, but indicating an audacious Aries who is a very powerful person and also a husband.  With Hanukkah beginning tomorrow, I'll also note that this card combination channels the divine purity of Chokmah in Atziluth.  Similar to the Tree of Life, this audacious Aries husband is both responsible and independent, while also the central part of a family.
But this tarot card combo insinuates the husband may be fooling around.  He has been drawn to a lover whose fiery nature matches his own, but he needs to remember that any extramarital fling(s) would be extremely unwise, and he must remember to be responsible to his family.  Perhaps he was a cheater and is on the verge of relapsing into that destructive habit, but he should not.  This husband must refrain from chasing women.

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