a wise choice

the high priestess + queen of swords
Someone made a wise choice in the past.  They are probably an air sign (Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra).  They should continue to be quietly proud of that decision they made.  Not smug, but glad about the integrity underlying their decision-making process.  They have remained honest with others, honoring their own higher-self, as well as others' higher-selves.  They're in the middle of a sticky set of circumstances, yet they haven't lost their cool or comfort.  To this person, do not show all your cards because you don't gotta.  You will succeed in this situation.
One week ago, the High Priestess made her first visit to this blog.  Today she returns, and I feel there's a connection to that recent reading.  If this is the case, our divine querent should continue to behave passively yet candidly.  I'm definitely not advocating for passive aggression (ick!), but spend time reading, and spend time collecting super comfortable clothing.*  If something about this situation makes you sad - maybe it is the situation involving the man with a wife and/or dominant mother - then continue with the decision-making process that you are in the middle of.  Keep keeping your own counsel, as retreating is the answer.
* I knew a darling who went through an deeply intensive healing period, and they decided to wear only sweat pants for a few months.  That was how they coped, and it worked for them!
Today's artist has been featured before, Roxana Paul.  Visit her site and facebook. 

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