a significant journey

nine of cups + strength  
We have someone who has been on a significant journey.  They've come from a place of pain, and they survived by applying mind over matter.  Now they have it all, and they're in a hopeful period of their life.  By focusing on what they wanted rather than what you didn't want, this person's wishes are coming true.  They are rich with inner strength.  What's cool is how it's a strength culled from very human "animal instincts."  There's an authenticity here that's lovely.
Two days ago, we also got the Nine of Cups.  If today is a continuation from Thursday, then this week's theme of possession persists, but today shows why this theme has been important to our querent.  Today's tarot cards show (again) that our querent has been trying to hold onto something that brings very real and immense joy into their life. Whatever they were fighting for is something positive that they have been wanting for a while.  It is not frivolous to them; it is no small matter.  It is a very dear dream that is manifesting and finally being fulfilled.  Along their path/process, this person has harnessed so much of their thoughts, fortitude, and patience - waiting for this moment.  That is why we've had the theme of possession this week.
Today's tarot artwork comes from Nigel Jackson's Medieval Enchantment deck. 

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