field of communications

page of swords + strength  
Whenever communicating, our querent needs to balance their primal force with their intuition.  This person might be in the field of communications - maybe journalism, marketing, public relations, or business management - and they are very talented at what they do.  However, today's cards forewarn this querent to prep for communication from someone else; surprising communication that comes out of the blue.  While our querent possesses plenty of knowledge, they can't control and anticpate everything, and very soon they'll receive an unexpected message that will require them to summons their intuition and compassion.
Yesterday we also had the Page of Swords, and if today is a continuation of that reading, then we have quite a soap opera...  My oh my.  It seems yesterday's loveys still haven't voiced their mutual attraction.  I am getting an Amélie vibe.  (They were in the same restaurant but didn't connect - d'oooh!)  However, with the presence of the Page of Swords, emotional truths will eventually be stated - in a clever, fun, and endearing way.  Today's cards suggest a good first date would be out in nature - maybe a bonfire at the beach or a day hike.  Stay tuned!
Today's cards are from the Gilded Tarot.

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