theme of eight

strength + eight of wands rx  
With Strength the eighth Major Arcana card, our theme of eight continues for a third day.  We have another reading about manifesting an evolved consciousness.  Someone, who is growth oriented, is in the process of creating the structure of their future.  This is an very intimidating process! Our querent must remember that materializing the dream of a future is tough. They must remember what Plato said: "Nothing beautiful without struggle."
Regarding this combo of Strength with the Eight of Wands Reversed, our querent feels calm and in control, but they are going about things in the wrong way.  This person needs assistance.  They need to go to a center that can help them.  The staff at this center will work with this person, so she or he can maintain dominance of this situation and their future.  This person is beginning to find their footing, and seeking aid from an agency will allow them to maintain self-respect, respect from others, and the patience to move forward in the right way.
Specifically as the continuation of yesterday's reading, our querent is feeling less stuck.  Although the way forward remains unclear, this person has begun to contemplate the question, "What energies do I infuse into my tasks?"  As they prep for the journey ahead, this person is feeling increasingly stronger than their opposition.  This person is stepping out into the world with an entrepreneurial spirit, and as they emerge from their period of introspection, they are feeling ready for a triumphant evolution of their life and relationships.
So I finished my undergrad studies at a college where faculty repeatedly reminded students to love the process, and that had an impact on me.  Until today, I remain a procedural type of personality that enjoys the unfolding of experiences - always excited about what I am going to learn next week and whom I'll meet next month.  There is a strong love the process vibe from this three-day theme of eight, and even though our poor querent still hasn't figured out how to deal with their situation and how to correctly go forward, they're thinking alot about the possibilities and structure of their future.  And hopefully, if this person heeds the advice of today's reading, they're gonna seek out the center or agency that can assist and support them.
Today's cards come from the ever-popular Morgan Greer Tarot.  I mentioned before that this is the deck I use at home.  Classic tarot imagery is simplified in this deck, and the colors are more saturated, so that the deck's visuals present as more relatable and secular/nonspiritual. 

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