a planning process


two of wands + death  

   Today's combination is most definitely a leftover of yesterday's mighty message.  For me, today's tarot cards sorta feel like the second or third plate at Thanksgiving, when you are still relishing the feast and family time, but the turkey is all cut up, and the climax of the holiday is subsiding, as folks fall into quiet food comas.  "More stuffing?"  "Hmmm...  Sure, but only alittle."  Similarly, today's tarot is only a slither of yesterday's prophetic delivery.  Today we have our transformed querent, maturely taking a first step into their new beginning.

   Together, the Two of Wands and Death show someone infusing their personal power into a planning process.  They have a choice between two work-related obligations.  As their dark financial period comes to an end, they begin to move forward lucratively, and this person must choose one of these work obligations over the other.  The obligation that this person ditches offers no financial future, and the smart decision is to choose the more profitable opportunity.

   Today's tarot cards come from the 1989 Witches Tarot, by Ellen Cannon Reed.

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