very in charge

five of swords + two of wands  
We have a querent who's working or collaborating with three or more other people.  Right now our querent feels very in charge, and indeed s/he will get whatever it is s/he is striving for, but all the folks in this collaboration are disconnected from each other.  So an experience of success for our querent won't be the same experience of success for his or her coworkers.  Especially since someone in this work group isn't playing fair, although with only two cards it isn't clear whom the scoundrel is - maybe our querent succeeds by selfishly looking out for only themself; maybe they have a colleague who takes a gamble which dangerously jeopardizes the shared venture; maybe there's simply - without blame - a disharmony and imbalance that makes it so this group does not know how to celebrate together.  Maybe they are only colleagues and not friends, so they couldn't celebrate with a meal and drinks.

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