lots going on

the hanged man + the star  
We've got a querent with lots going on right now.  First, this person has sacrificed something, in order to earn privileged knowledge, and this person's sacrifice has also increased their luck.  Second, this person is in a love relationship which is intensifying, and that relationship is what initially inspired the querent to seek and sacrifice for knowledge.   The querent's romantic partner revealed two options, and the querent was required to choice only one, and this is the option providing privileged knowledge.  It was a big decision, and the querent chose correctly.
On Fri, 12 April 2019, we had the Star in another reading about a love relationship, so it is possible that tarotscope and this one are connected.  If we've got the same hopeful querent, she has begun to turn within, and she has a vague yet strong feeling to do "something," but without knowing exactly what that "something" is.  Fortunately, the Universe is providing her with guidance, and even if this woman doesn't have clarity, she has enough hope to continue with thoughtful introspection.  Today's combo indicates that outwardly this woman's relationship continues and intensifies, though maybe the relationship is teaching this woman lessons that are difficult for her to accept.  Instead of getting frustrated with her partner, this woman has stopped, is calmly contemplating the new knowledge, and ultimately learning she can't always control life and its situations.
Today's illustrations are by Micah Ulrich.

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