enterprising business man


eight of pentacles + king of pentacles
Today's querent is an enterprising business man or woman, who's invested a lot of effort into a project.  This person must continue with the hard work, and today's card combination promises that their discipline will create wealth.  This person has learned all the lessons and passed all the tests.  At this point in their career, they are or will be sufficiently commissioned for their professional skills. In their work community, our querent is middle management or will be offered a supervisory role because they are talented, knowledgeable, and reliable.
As if we're re-doing March 2019, today's tarotscope can be connected back to 2 March 2019, when we also had Eight of Pentacles in first position.  Both pairs promise that hard work will pay off.  If it's the same knowledgeable querent, they continue to enjoy stability by remaining in an orthodox framework, and that's the discipline which will lead to wealth.  They are steady with a Midas touch.  Knowing the ins and outs of their business has made this person a workaholic, but today's connection to March 2nd is a reminder that after this period of achieving professional accomplishments, our querent will relax and focus on their love life. Astrologically, either the querent or their lovebug will be a Gemini or Libra.
Today's cards come from Lumina Tarot.
And now for something new:  I am learning French, and one day I'd love to read tarot cards in conversational French.  So starting today, I'm going to finish each tarotscope with a short blurb en français.  No guarantee that the French will be perfect - it won't - but to those French speakers who stop by the website, bienvenue et s'il vous plaît envoyez-moi des commentaires.
Maintenant, en français! 
huit de deniers + roi de deniers
Le chercheur est une persone d'affaires entreprenant.  Cette personne est en mode de pleine production, et il ou elle investit beaucoup d'efforts dans un projet.  Ce chercheur aime l'argent et le succès, et pour obtenir ces deux choses, il doit continuer le travail acharné.  Cet homme ou cette femme trouvera toujours des débouchés créatifs et lucratifs.  Un jour, elle sera très riche.

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