a successful family


ten of cups + nine of pentacles  

One one hand, today's card combination portrays a successful family.  On the other hand, our querent - a member of this group, who is more content as a loner - has a hard time trusting people. Despite the family/group's joy, a querent puts great value on his or her independence. Although a querent is witness to marriage blessed with abundance, our querent sees more beauty in the single life and achieving financial stability on his or her own.  Our querent has best expressed themself when s/he is alone, operating on independent agency.  But what's neat about today is how it's a message to our single querent that their solo journey is almost over.  This querent might start his or her own family over the next year.
Much of May 2019 has been peppered with tarot readings about partners or groups, similar to today's combination.  Our last reading advised two adults whose friendship involved kids.  There was another tarotscope for two people who were reconciling and restoring balance to their dynamic.  In all of the readings, there's been a loner who is dead set on operating independently, separate from a partner or group.  Something else that's neat about today, and about the entire May 2019 tarotscope series, is how no message blames or guilts the loner.  All the tarot readings seem to be gentle preparation for someone who loves his or her independence; summarily notifying "Oi mate - reconciliation, partnership, marriage, kids, and family are all coming your way."
If I were reading for this querent, face to face, I'd encourage him or her to embrace this summer as possibly their last season of solitude and single living.  I'd tell him or her to relish their stable lifestyle of workaholism now, because soon they will be married to something that is not work - but rather to a person whom they love and like, kids they are devoted to and involved with.  This person has mastered the single life to a super sophisticated and orderly degree  - in other words, they do not have infants burping and throwing up on their nice clothes; they don't have toddlers tossing toys into every corner of their tidy home ... not yet.

dix des coupes + neuf de deniers
Ce combo représente une famille prospère qui a de l'argent.  Notre chercheur - un membre de ce groupe, qui est beaucoup plus content d'être célibataire - a du mal à faire confiance aux gens. Malgré la joie de la famille, le chercheur accorde d'importance à indépendance.  Cependant, chaque fois que le chercheur se mariera, il/elle achètera une maison et sera heureux / heureuse avec sa famille. 

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