month of may

the sun + ten of cups  
Rather than a tarot reading only for one day and for one person, I have analysed these cards with a wider perspective, considering the month of May 2019 and reading for group dynamics.
Today's combo presents a strong marriage that radiates positive energy.  We have querents who are full of hope and who have a joyful family life.  These spouses make each other very happy, and they couldn't imagine being happier with anybody else.  In this family, folks speak freely with each other and validate one another, providing and sharing a sense of well-being. Feeling extremely joyful and emotionally strong, this is a group of people who can go out into the world with charm and confidence. Everything is looking up, and everybody's doing great!
This isn't the first time that we've started a new month with the Ten of Cups in the second position.  March 2019 also began on happy footing, with a reading that promised both joy and goodness.  A consistent thread through March was collaborative teamwork, but interestingly - and also unfortunately - that month's theme of group activity did not end so great...  The last tarot combination of March 2019 depicted "a disharmony and imbalance that makes it so this group does not know how to celebrate [their efforts and successes] together."  Yoikes.
During an in-person conversation, I'd examine these cards proactively.  In this situation, I would look for suggestions that'd help May 2019 to both manifest and maintain its potential of joyful confidence in harmony with others.  The tarot wisdom to carry through May 2019 is this:  Share with others, and do not stop.  Whenever you are delighting in your good fortune, share this joy with your community.  Speak up and out loud with family and work colleagues. If someone you know is engaged, take time this month to celebrate the upcoming marriage.  Most importantly, over the course of May 2019, let the love flow - in you, out of you, and to those who are in your life.  Being such a carebear, May 2019 has the chance to be much more inspiring than March 2019.
Lastly, rabbit rabbit rabbit!  Hoping May is marvelous for you+yours.  toinfinity  

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