the mysterious woman

eight of cups + the lovers  
Hellooo again!  While I have on a brief hiatus from Beyond Breath, I hope that you've been having a wonderful June!!  Although it has been a few days, it seems today's tarot card combination presents the two querents from 1+ weeks ago, the mysterious woman who is "disciplined about sexuality" and the emotionally sexy "rock-solid guy" who are platonically courting.  Today's tarot message seems to be more intended for our chaste woman:
To the woman in this relationship, it is a moment in your life when you are seeking deeper meaning.  There is a man whom you love very much, but you are avoiding this love, because your focus is on success.  Ironically, the success that you are reaping really bores you, and in private you feel weary from all the work. The easy choice would be to escape into this love relationship, but you aren't taking the easy road.  (Attagirl!)  The love you and the man have is strong - strong enough to pause and not disappear.  For the time being, continue to sink deep into this moment of your life, when you spend alot of time reflecting while traveling.
You are Odysseus, and your man / your Penelope will be there when you return.
Today's images are Tarot Art Nouveau.

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