recap of may


SO  -  I thought we'd make today's posting a recap of May 2019, which had enough consistency to make last month a chapter with its own themes, characters, morals.

#1 - We kicked off May 2019 with a group reading.  Then group dynamics continued to dominate the month.  Two examples are "Month of May" and "A Hard Worker."  Going into June 2019, I've looked to the cards for advice on the best group mindset over the next four weeks.  I got the card combination Eight of Wands with Nine of Swords:
In June 2019, when a group feels anxious, they should act with speed whenever making progress against cruelty.  Whenever this group's had enough of being aggravated by someone's worrisome actions, act with haste, even if they have to change their long-term plan in order to act now and quickly.  As a group, be flexible and respond to the moment.  (Card credit: Thoth Tarot)

#2  -  A few May tarotscopes were about a professional who invests alot of energy and time into their work projects.  Only two examples are "Enterprising Business Man" and, once again, "A Hard Worker."  I have looked to my tarot cards for some advice on how this professional person can fairly work with others throughout the month of June, and the response was quite emphatic, with two strong Major Arcana cards - the Hanged Man with Judgment:


Anyone experienced with and sensitive to the tarot will feel the great fate attached to this combination; will understand that this professional is at a life-defining moment in their profession.  This is akin to "Barack at the his first DNC" type of moment, when the public buzz first started, when folks started asking, "Did you see the black guy at the DNC?  Who is he?  Obo... Bara... Who is he??"  Similarly, our professional person is really stepping into their field.
   Specifically, here's what these two cards mean together:  Right now this professional person feels stuck, but only because they haven't yet reaped the rewards of their long hours and hard work.  With much grace, this professional person is quietly acquiescing to their feeling of being stuck.  I would love to tell them how they have an angel on their side (if they believe in that; some people believe in guardian angels).  I'd love to congratulate this professional on their patience and steadfastness, and I would tell them that their work is healing - healing to themself, healing to other people, and most most most definitely healing in/to the future. And in the future, their reputation will be great and wide. This person will possess very well-known professional qualities that inspire many people.  For the month of June 2019, this professional should continue to accept their current work setup with open arms, grace and gratitude.  ...  It's never a quick reading when we have Hanged Man with Judgment.  They are too much of a cosmic combo.  I am thrilled for our professional.

#3  -  The number of the month was Ten, for sure!  Whether we had Wheel of Fortune or a Ten card from Minor Arcana, the energy of Ten was present throughout the entire month of May 2019, often in the context of professional opportunities - to sound like a broken record...  Two examples are "Wheel of Life" and "So Many Responsibilites."  I have turned to my deck for advice on how one can be responsible about their many responsibilities in the month of June 2019.  I got an insight that echoes our reading from 2 May 2019 and, to more closely reflect that day's tarotscope, I chose two cards from Lumina Tarot again (below):


This combo of Eight of Pentacles with Three of Pentacles encourages a querent (who is young and/or youthful) to be positive while handling tasks.  In one of their work relationships, there's alot of potential, but it's potential that has not been tapped.  So esp when this querent is wondering whether or not a project is worth their effort, that's the time to throw themself into teamwork.  To echo 2 May and 2 March - because this seems to be a longterm theme/message - "hard work will pay off."

I wanna share that this type of tarot reading is new for me, and it's something that seems to be organically happening.  For all the time I've read, my cards have delivered messages for one querent.  Now my cards are providing wider predictions for partners and groups. Thanks for your patience while I practice reading in this way for the first time!  To the many hardworking people in my life - my editors old and new, the artists I enjoy collaborating with, my friends who love and support their families, readers I don't know - I think that May 2019 showed us that we have our tribes.  We are our tribes.  To conclude today's very verrry long posting, may you step into June 2019 knowing that you are not alone - whether you believe your guardian angel is silently assisting, or you have a new colleague who deserves both your loyalty and time.

Closing with Swing Out Sister's hit song "Breakout."  So the song goes: 

The time has come to make or break
Breakout, don't stop to ask!

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