thinking through something


nine of swords + the fool  

Our brooding querent has been thinking through something, and today she or he is examining the dark and unpleasant underbelly of these thoughts.  Although this person is in the beginning phase of something, which should be a time of excitement and innocence, instead they're worrying about this new situation.  Here's what I find hopeful about this moment that feels haunting and horrible to our querent:  They are working through the suppressed mental sludge now and experiencing the anguish now at the beginning, so hopefully those tough feelings become resolved and don't plague the middle and end of their new situation.  Most importantly, this person needs to hold tight and have faith that everything will work out.
Personally, when I'm in the midst of a vulnerable and painful moment, I'm someone who hates chatter about keeping faith and believing.  I would much prefer lists, plans, and actionable solutions!  So if the querent is someone like myself, then this will be a tough tarot message to accept, but today's card combination asks this person to stop crying, to step forward, to boldly be themself (with alittle flair), and trust that everything is going to be ok.
Today's cards are from Robin Wood Tarot.

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