restricted and constrained


eight of swords + page of cups  

Today's querent is restricted and constrained, and the longer this person stays in the situation that makes them feel fenced in, the more tied up in boredom they will become.  Because this person's problem is comfort and too much of it.  S/he is so comfortable that they are hardly living - like really living; like dozing off with a sleepy smile on your face and feeling fulfilled.  Yes it's a first-world problem, but it stirs up alot of emotional confusion for our querent.
We had a Page card yesterday, so I'll connect the two tarotscopes:  Yesterday's querent, who's been Great-Depression-level practical, is starting to dream about more than practicalities.  They are thinking back to a footloose youth or another time that was luxurious and creative, and Page of Cups indicates that perhaps our practical querent has also spent time counting their current blessings.  Whatever the burden - practicality and/or comfort - this querent still feels restricted; so restricted that they might act impulsively, in order to break free!
I get a Roman Holiday (1953) impression from these card combinations.  Audrey Hepburn's character, Princess Ann who escapes out of the castle and into the world, enthusiastically chirps "I could do some of the things I always wanted to ... Oh you can't imagine! ... Have fun!"

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