traveling back home

four of wands + page of cups  
A family is traveling back home, and at some time during this return trip, a happy child in the family might fall into a love relationship.  Someone close to this young person (who is between 18 and 25 yrs old) has been spending extra quality time with the young querent - giving them special looks, long gazes, and other nonverbal cues of sexual and/or romantic interest. The person infatuated with the young querent is older than them (if not biologically and age-wise, then at least psychologically), and they have lived thru enough negative experiences to become jaded. However, the younger querent resuscitates the older person's inner child, and so the older person hopes/fantasizes about moving their relationship with this younger querent to the next level of intimacy.  I should note that there might be some inappropriate aspects to this possible love relationship, but these two cards alone don't delve into any of the potential improprieties. We'd need more cards to understand why the older person does not desire a fellow adult in their age range and at the same stage of life.  Additionally, more cards could confirm whether or not the child is younger than 18 years old, the minimal age of consent.
Lastly, I will add that my father was 39 years older than my mother.  In this taroscope, maybe everyone stays happy, and nothing is improper.  The older person might just be very youthful!

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