good financial news


page of pentacles + nine of wands  

Because today's querent has been so practical, they're going to receive good financial news.  Their period of being extra practical hasn't been easy, as it required bravery and wounded or compromised this querent in some way(s), but this person is not thinking back to those difficulties.  This person is not dwelling on the past, but rather s/he is looking to the future.  Yes, this person aspires to financially move forward, but equally they want - deeply hope - that this period of practicality might ease, so that they can be more compassionate with themself.  Self-compassion can come in many different forms - maybe this person needs to remember and feel that they are not alone, or perhaps they need to secure support from a mental health professional - the figure in the Nine of Wands has fought alone, while the Page of Pentacles unrelentlessly kept whispering "Be practical; stay practical; I know this isn't fun and it's tough, but be practical, and stay practical.  Be practical; stay..."  That level of practicality requires extreme discipline, and our querent is fatigued.  Lastly, what I think today's querent doesn't intuit, what I think the tarot cards want to promise is that this solo warrior and their solo fight are coming full circle.  The period of grueling practicality and compromise are almost over.
Because we had another Nine card yesterdy, I am going to connect the two tarotscopes.   (I'll repeat myself alittle bit, apologies.)  Yesterday's querent with communication gifts is in the completion phase of a cycle; a cycle that has not been easy, so this person needs to be gentle with themself.  The querent should be prepared for communication to start occurring more rapidly in their life / with others, and I write this on the first day after Mercury's month-long retrograde, which slowed down the energy of July.  I think that over the course of August, there may be more communication with friends, and perhaps with one special flirty friend - which would lessen the wounding isolation suffered by today's Nine of Wands.  This person could reconnect with their circle of cronies, and s/he will definitely prosper financially.

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