sensitive and loving


queen of cups + five of wands  

   Today's querent possesses a sensitive and loving nature.  This person turns away wrath with caring and intuition, an especially helpful skill since this person is in the middle of a kerfuffle, but the issue isn't the difference of opinion that has been causing strife and disagreement.  The problem is that our querent has aligned with the wrong partners.  While our querent is a spiritual, patient person - and she or he is being so patient during this kerfuffle, that s/he isn't taking it seriously at all - this person's current partners are much more ambitious and competitive, so the issue is temperaments and personalities being incompatible.
   There is so much to write about this extremely interesting card combination.  For our super sensitive querent, I suppose today's takeaway or tarot assignment is for this person to step away from their current partners - which is fine, as they're off being busy and ambitious - and on his or her own time, privately identify your own passions.  Maybe our loving querent received an intuitive message they can't shake or stop thinking about, and this intuitive message has recently redefined their passions and goals.  And then finally, ditch those partners you've got.  Because today's tarot message is that you need to find a partner who shares your passions, and this can't be a virtual relationship.  You need a partner in crime who is by your side.  A Doctor John Hamish Watson who gets you, rather than fights with you.

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