new artistic path

the star + five of swords  
"I hate inspiration," nobody ever said.
Motivated to embark upon a new artistic path, today's querent is in a calm state about the future.  They're looking out for themself, and any change to this plan would feel like defeat.  Yes this person is being selfish, but to have enough hope to manifest and achieve this artistic path, our querent must think only of themself.  This person's past sheds light on why they're deciding to put their needs before anybody else's:  Because till recently, until committing to this plan, everything had seemed pointless.  Our querent's days were uninspiring, dull, drab, and hopeless.  Their days were safe to the extent of becoming lifeless, but this person thought safety was the best priority.  However, today's tarot card combo shows the turning point, marking the moment when this querent's safe lifestyle became disenchanting and irrelevant.  This person wants to joyfully cackle aloud like Will Shakespeare's Puck.  Perhaps this person wants a sexual and/or romantic relationship, purely to experience the pleasure of sex and romance (not to establish a bond with someone else).  One downside of today's combination is that our querent may deceive others along this new artistic path.  Seeking inspiration - as we all do - yet looking out for only themself, this person could become reckless and cocky.
First comment:  Something striking about today's tarot is how it casts no judgement.  These two cards plainly describe the past, present, and future of a complicated predicament; painting a portrait of someone desperately seeking inspiration.  Some people believe selfishness can be positive, and maybe it is for our querent?  In this taroscope, these two cards alone don't say if selfishness is bad.  (A third and fourth card would provide more info.)
Second comment:  Today's tarot reminds me of the emotional artist who featured earlier this week, the one so fearless and wild that they sometimes destabilize the people around them.  If we apply today's taroscope to that querent, then it would seem their tricky ways might hurt other people in the future.  This emotional artist must not be aggressive toward others.  This emotional artist had conflicts with their family at home, and she or he might have the same conflicts with other people out in the world; people who won't put up with their shenanigans.  This emotional artist needs to change their thinking, and she or he really (really) needs to start practicing selfless love, which puts other people first.  To this foolish querent, do not abuse other people - be it physical (hitting, shoving, pinching, strangling); emotional (calling names, intentionally embarrassing, damaging property); or financial (closely monitoring another's spending, hiding records of shared bank accts).  I suppose one consolation is that, out in the world and away from family, the victims of this artist aren't going to put up with their troublemaking for too long.  This chaotic artist will end up totally alone if they do not learn and accept that love is the practice of respect.
Today's artwork is by Yoshi Yoshitani.

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