there's a rivalry


three of pentacles + five of wands  

   Today's taroscope is about three people who are disagreeing.  There's a rivalry between these coworkers, stemming from professional jealousy.  Pentacles complete info given by Wands, and in the context of today's tarot that means these folks' petty - and slightly playful - bickering (the Five of Wands) will resolve into collaboration (the Three of Pentacles). Ultimately this team will design something together, enjoying the details of the shared project.
   Because we had Pentacles and Wands yesterday, one of these people could be the confident querent who has been alone on the home front but not the work front.  Today is an insight into their professional life, where this person is at cross purposes with their coworkers, which is breaking down the synergy of teamwork.  The good news is that discussions are happening - even if they are difficult, they are happening!  The rivalry that this querent is hassled with seems to be a power struggle, but it is bickering that our querent will suffer through because she or he needs their work in order to achieve their goal of "a safe homespace."  This querent seems to have a past that conditioned them to stay neutral in the face of temporary differences of opinion; a past which has groomed them to keep their cool and confidence in the face of disagreements.  For this querent, it's just one of those days at work (a silent groan), but work that our querent needs to keep so they can keep their home.  In the end, these collaborators will move forward together - back onto the same page; all working towards the same goal.
Today's cards come from Trusted Tarot.

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