love to gamble

wheel of fortune + knight of wands  
Today's card combination indicates lucky changes in an ambitious querent's life.  This person is aggressively questing, and they like to gamble.  If s/he gets a career opportunity that is challenging, they should take it and work hard.  Then they should use some of the income to take a trip to Las Vegas or the French Riviera, where they would win big.  It may seem ironic, but this querent is balanced when things are changing.  Momentum forward stabilizes them.
Last week we also had the Wheel of Fortune with another Knight card, in the tarot reading AROUND THE CORNER, which presented an intellectual and impatient querent.  We could be reading about the same courageous person, except now we find that their potential love situation is on the fritz or has already gone kaput.  The Knight of Wands isn't a good card to draw in a love reading, and even though our querent is quite charming, it seems that they are not ready for the significant soulmate relationship that was heading their way.  Instead, today's reading suggests that our ambitious querent is choosing work and play.  The one word of caution is that our querent treat any rejected parties with care and consideration, because this is actually a karmic moment, and bad karma resulting in emotional harm to others will come back to cause our querent an equal measure of emotional pain in the future.
Today's cards are from Alchemical Tarot.

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