a romantic reading

six of cups + king of cups  
Today's card combo is a romantic reading about a person whose wisdom dissipates drama.  This caring querent has recently reconnected with a noble lover from his or her past, a lover who also has several positive qualities, one quality being a deep appreciation of life.  The two people, the querent and the lover, share goodwill and creativity.  They behave very kindly to each other.  The renewed relationship is shrouded in an aura of calmness.
Last week we had another taroscope about the return of a lover.  With the identical theme, we can connect the two readings, and today confirms a spirit guide has reunited the querent with a man whom he or she had never stopped loving.  This is a couple that is well-intentioned, careful about handing emotions, and very loving to one another.  Because of the celestial green light, this couple is now trying again and - after their cosmically enforced separation - these folks are taking their time to realign with each other.  Although our querent was physically separated from this lover, the lover continued to loom large in the querent's psyche.  What's so satisfying about today's tarot card combination is that our querent can now be with the person they so often thought about.  Additionally, I think this reunion is teaching the couple that a years-long experience of love has many levels, twists and turns, pauses followed by restarts.

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