a professional idea

two of wands + six of wands  

Today's enthusiastic querent is turning a professional idea into a plan.  These cards are a positive omen that a happy querent has had the foresight to choose the better of two paths.  Presented with options, this querent is mature enough to move down the path that'll make him/her a winner, although the chosen path is less appealing than the rejected path, so our querent has a twinge of "grass is always greener of the on the other side," but this person is right to reject the more attractive career path.  Instead, our querent is choosing the more realistic professional path, which will eventually offer them success, and this person will excel so much that eventually head hunters will try to recruit them.
With the reappearance of the Six of Wands for a third day, we can read these past three taroscopes as one package of insight.  All three readings could easily be about the same triumphant querent.  This divination encourages our querent to continue going forward with energy!  The new line of work will bring this person overseas, where she or he will discover new places and people.  After the efforts of choosing and developing a professional path, this querent will earn the chance to travel abroad and discover new things.

six of wands + king of wands
ten of wands + six of wands 

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