line of work

death + three of pentacles  
This taroscope feels so specific to what is happening in my private life, that I'm going to apply these cards to a shift within my professional world:  For several years, I have worked day and night, stayed up super late, got up extra early, sacrificing and striving to become a creative professional.  And I've made a few strides toward that goal.  Recently I was a supervising producer for the first time, and it was really cool to oversee the crew of a film project.  That was an exciting and small success, and there've been other small successes in my creative life, but these successes aren't enough.  I'm not making enough money, so - hopefully by late 2020 or early 2021 - I'll be enrolled in a mortuary science program, training to be an embalmer and bereavement counselor.  Now, here in the state of Oregon, wannabe morticians must apprentice with a funeral home before enrolling into a school ... which leads to this taroscope.
Together, Death paired with Three of Pentacles indicates an apprenticeship that deals with physical death.  The young apprentice pictured in the Three of Pentacles is ending a line of work, in order to start new work.  This will be a strong ending and a strong start, because it's unstoppable and it's invincible, and the querent's sense of self-awareness will increase so much that she or he or I will become purified (Death card's influence).  The young apprentice's studying might bring them to beautiful cathedrals (Three of Pentacles as place).  Within the tarot, the number three represents creativity, but three also merges stability and death.  The question prompted by this card combination is "What must die, so that someone can create anew?"  This will be a transition that transcends class and race, and there is something karmic about this card combination; an insinuation or hint that the young apprentice's hard work is the work that is needed from them.; work that others need; scary and hard work (the Three of Pentacles) that truly contributes to both the living and the dead (the Death card).
I have a friend who believes all the taroscopes on our Beyond Breath website must be about me, since I am pulling the cards, but this isn't the case.  For example, there've been readings for children (AN AUTISTIC KID).  Grey-haired and middle-aged, I am not a child.  However, today's taroscope is about me. To connect today with yesterday (WANTS SUCCESS), which was also about one's professional status, yes I am that exhausted querent with no social life.  I work, then walk my cute dog, and then work some more - that's about it these days.  Another meaning of the Death card is failure, and yes I am failing as a creative professional.  I am tired of toiling so much yet earning so little.  Those creative endeavors must end, and I must start new work that provides livable income. (And better work-life balance. Vacations pleeeease.)
Reading for myself, I am left with the mystery that all querents walk away with.  Because tarot reading is divination of a future that hasn't unfolded, I haven't lived this taroscope, so I don't have the verification of firsthand experience.  I'm having trouble securing an apprenticeship with a funeral home, but does this taroscope mean I'll get one soon?  How would it feel for my self-awareness to increase?  Will I become more mindful about myself, as I professionally develop in a line of work where I must be understanding of others?  I've no clue how this reading will manifest in real, everyday life.  Or if it will manifest at all?  (I really want it to.)  I just interpret the pictures and numbers on the cards, sigh like Eeyore, and hope for the best.
Hoping the best for you too, and happy Jewish holiday to those observing.  xo

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