an astrological message

king of cups + page of swords  
I'm going to read this as an astrological message, because the creative King of Cups can represent the Libra-Scorpio cusp season, which is right now (October 19 through 26).  This is one of those rare taroscopes that's for everyone who reads it, as we all move through the rest of this week.  The message is to use your mind when you want to be romantic.  Be generous, and also just. Be diplomatic, but also be determined.  If the person that you want to date has an abundance of energy, pay attention to what is going on with her or him.  Be particularly observant of how this person goes about their career, and you will see that this person is probaly working to find the right way for their life.  Analyze the emotional connection you have with this special someone.  Analyze who they are and what they are doing with their life.  This may be an independent person who isn't necessarily "needing" a relationship so, if you want to be with her or him, then YOU need to figure out how YOU fit into their life - particulary their worklife - since the person you want to date might not bother to do any of this energetic analysis.  It may feel as if there are significant contradications plaguing this romantic dynamic - for ex, liking a strong individual who does not give the impression that s/he wants a relationship - but these two tarot cards indicate that a steady balance could be struck between you and them, and this balance can be found in the beliefs that you two share.

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