querent wants success

knight of pentacles reversed + six of pentacles  
Today's exhausted querent wants success, but she or he has felt stuck in a listless routine that includes no social life.  This card combo is an important warning for this person to keep their focus squarely/exclusively on this routine.  Regarding professional status, there will be a turn for the better, when our querent gets offered and steps into a generous-paying job.  Financial and social issues that have been neglected will head into a positive cycle and finally improve.
In this card combo, there is an echo of the taroscope from 22 September, which was also about starting a job (A LOVELY JOURNEY).  The Six of Pentacles is a low arcan version of the major arcan Justice, because in both scenes there is the same image of balanced scales.  Connecting these two taroscopes, it would seem that our exhausted querent should share their impending success.  This person has worked without any reward, but when rewards start to roll in, it'll be this querent's karmic duty/debt to share their increased happiness and income.

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