balance things out

five of swords + two of swords  
Self-interest as self-protection.  To balance out psychodynamics and interpersonal conflicts, our querent is looking out for themself.  After a violation of trust, this person is sad, but they're deciding not to fight.  Although the ensuing stalemate does not provide closure or resolution, the querent stepping away from a potential fight allows for things to cool down. This isn't a pretty situation or easy moment, and the fighting could continue, so the querent is justified in worrying that arguments and violations would occur if they didn't disengage.  The querent feels disappointed that they must resort to self-interest and selfishness, but an act of betrayal and open dishonor has been committed, and the difficult decision to stonewall against any future violations is the right decision which will lead to peace of mind.  There is no resolution here. Only necessary silence for the sake of one's self-preservation.
Today's cards are from After Tarot.


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