a dangerous situation

four of swords + the tower  
Once again, we've got a querent who is separating themself from a dangerous situation and who is choosing to quietly rest alone.  On one hand, there is a tumultuous situation, and on the other hand our querent is deciding to disconnect from the turmoil, and several times throughout December the cards have repeatedly presented this circumstance.  Tonight's taroscope reveals that, alone in their quiet place, our querent is actually preparing something.
An unexpected change is going to happen (the Tower).  There will be unexpected news about a breakup, and it will be sad and shocking news t0 most people, but tonight's querent will be relieved.  Because there is such a major disconnect between the querent and the tumultuous situation, the misfortunate couple that breaks up will feel devastated and desperate - while our indifferent querent will think how the breakup is not their fight, business, or bother.  Maybe because our querent is completely preoccupied with their private preparation of some mysterious thing (the Four of Swords), and the mysterious thing could be preparation for their death with an estate lawyer or a funeral home (the Four of Swords with the Tower).  The querent is comtemplating health and life and maybe hospice.  They don't have time for love.
Last week on Sunday the 15th, we had another taroscope with Four of Wands for a querent who was enjoying peace - PERSON QUIETLY RESTS - and if today is a continuation this previous reading, we might glean some insight into why our querent is unable to respond to the unexpected and sad news:  Because they're still healing up from another stressful situation.  The querent may still need time to rebuild their emotional strength and personal power, after the suffering which was described on the 15th.  This querent doesn't have the emotional juice and bandwidth to support the couple that will break up.  This querent has become emotional burnt out (Four of Swords), and right now they're abit short on empathy.


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