today's creative querent

page of cups + eight of pentacles  
Today's creative querent is somewhat of a sweet shark.  S/he has to keep moving in order to survive.  In this person's life, something is starting, and it is going to be a great thing.  Like Schroeder at his piano, keep practicing and preparing.  This querent needs to allow themself to experience their inner prudence.  This person must trust their emotional wisdom, and that is the sweet part of their persistent personality.  As they prepare for their future, this querent is moving forward like an iron hand in velvet glove - emotional and also smart/experienced.
It is likely that today's tarot card combination is a continuation of yesterday, with the Page of Cups attached to another Eight card.  Despite being flooded with feeling, yesterday's friendly querent did not do anything stupid, irrational, or regrettable.  Instead, I think between today and yesterday, our querent set aside their strong feelings and simply clocked out by rewatching a favorite television show.  There is an element of deep day-to-day contentment, a feeling of perfection to cozy routines within the querent's life - which the querent's crush or special someone is not a part of - and I think that this is clearly illustrated here with today's opposing card types.  The Page of Cups is about emotional development, which is the kernel of potential between these two people - while the Eight cards are categorically about one's ability, power, practical skills, routines like work, and rituals like unwinding with television after work.  Our querent is stuck between those two great (and separate) realities - on one hand, hoping to begin an emotional bond; on the other hand, steadfastly focused on practical goals.
I absolutely adore today's cards, which are from the Peanut Tarot, and Schroeder is also my favorite character from that comic strip.  In honor of the holiday season, let's wrap up today's taroscope with a favorite Christmas tune by the Vince Guaraldi Trio.


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