a resilient querent

page of swords + nine of wands 
Like yesterday, today's tarot presents a resilient querent and another person younger than the querent.  The young person is aggressive and strong, and s/he sent a message to the querent.  Something about the message has initiated change.  Maybe the message was about change in general, or a specific change.  Maybe the message itself was change; maybe these two had stopped communicating with each other, and exchanging any message was the game changer.
Our querent seems to be the victim in an ongoing battle, and s/he believes they're going to end up the loser.   But our querent's already made it halfway through the battle (Nine of Wands), and s/he must remember they're a strong and clever person.  The last half of this battle will be an eye-opening experience, and at the end of it all, our querent will possess greater social power.  One tactic for getting through this battle is to keep communicating with the young person.  The querent must cultivate their connection with this aggressive, young person.
It's possible that today's tarot might be a continuation of yesterday's reading - doesn't have to be, but a connection could be made because [1] the three Page cards and [2] the same two figures (querent and younger person).  If it is a continuation, today the younger person has figured out the older querent must "play" by their rules ... so to speak.  By pushing the older querent's boundaries, the younger person can expose the querent to new truths; truths and eye-opening experiences the querent had been previously closed off to.  It is by breaking down the structure of the querent's life/thinking, that the young person helps our querent to relax.
Today's art is by Lacey Bryant.


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