woman in solitude

the hermit + high priestess  
Today's querent is most likely a woman in solitude.  Although this reading could be for a man, today's querent is probably a female feminist who possesses good judgment; who is coming to both know and understand the endless cycle of lesson-reward-lesson-reward-on-and-on...  This is a time in her life when she is completing her maturation into a Woman, and she must trust herself.  She must prioritize instinct above reason.  There is a theme of "healing" within this woman's life, but not necessarily biological or medical healing.  Rather, this is a woman contemplating and even interacting with the cosmic elements of human life.  This woman may know she could become a powerful and effective healer.  However, these two cards alone do not indicate if she will decide to commit to and live the healer's life / the shaman's path.  These two cards merely indicate she is indeed making progress on her quest for more profound importance.  This is simply a snapshot of a woman's spiritual journey - without info about the journey's beginning or end.  These two cards tell this woman that, right now, she must remain within her solitude in order to come to the best decisions.


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