to my soul

page of swords + the chariot  
"I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought. So, the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.”  -T.S. Eliot, essayist and poet 
Today's feisty, graceful, and healthy querent is a curious explorer (the Page of Swords), and during their journey she will or he already has overcome conflicts (Chariot card).  This person is not going to let anything get between them and where they are going.  Yes the querent's past relationships have left them battle weary, but in the future external annoyance will no longer thwart or bother this person.  Although young and immature, this querent's future is full of discoveries and new knowledge that will make them smarter and more confident.  Through their innate abilities and sheer hard work, this person's strong character will grow stronger. This person's ability to focus and work hard will help them to become a supervisor or manager at their place of employment.  Additionally, their mode(s) of transportation will improve. 
During this past month, we've had the Page of Swords twice before.  Let's first connect today's card combination to the one from December 15th - PERSON QUIETLY RESTS.  This has been a querent who's actively keeping careful watch from a private and restful place, prepping and building up stamina before launching into an extended period of time that requires hard work.  Today's tarotscope is confirmation that this person should continue to rest, quietly continue with their planning and watching, and then work hard doing their best to succeed.
Next, let's build upon the tarot card combination from December 23rd - A RESILIENT QUERENT.  When it comes to other folks, this feisty Page of Swords can be quite passive - resisting, saying no thanks, not socializing, not getting close, watching from afar - but that's what this person's gotta do right now.  They need time alone to lick their wounds and to heal.  In our extroverted society, calm introversion comes off as unfriendly and uninterested.  Yet all of the tarot cards attached to this Page of Swords - from the Chariot which represents speed, to the Four of Swords which indicates retreat - each of these cards confirm that the querent's resting is ironically the fastest way for this person to get well before reentering the world.
Today's cards come from After Tarot.


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