the painful lesson

five of swords + queen of swords  
After a battle of no gain (the Five of Swords), a querent has learnt the painful lesson of defeat. Especially if this person is a Libra, then the battle has left this Libra stewing in cynicism and bitterness.  However, for any querent feeling pain in the aftermath of defeat, today's combo encourages him or her to turn inward and better manage messages from their subconscious (the Queen of Swords), because there might be ambitions regarding success and happiness, which are making the querent increasingly petty and  susceptible to future painful battles.
I try to read tarot in a way that is supportive and sympathetic to a querent.  However, over these past three days, we seem to have a querent who is wallowing in a regret and frustration (Five of Cups Rx) that they've brought upon themself.  So let's look at these three days as one series about a powerful yet conflicted querent.  While this person had enough gumption to make a powerful decision, they haven't handled consequences with accountability or fairness.
Connecting today with the tarotscope from two days ago > QUERENT'S INNER STATE < while this quick-witted person is ready to get on with their life (Five of Cups Rx), while they want to step into the future, this querent is being controlled by a fear that keeps them cynical about the past as well as the future.  They're either running revengeful scenarios through their mind, or starting to ascribe to impractically high ideals for both themself and others.  Although this person wants success and happiness, if s/he continues along a warpath of professionally attacking real and imagined opponents, this person might end up successful, but they'll also end up sad and alone.  Like Natalie Portman's prima ballerina in Black Swan.  
The tarotscope from yesterday > MADE THE DECISION < suggested that this self-conscious querent start visualizing desired results beyond the old love that s/he has walked away from (Seven of Swords).  Today's reading offers another solution for the querent's emotional problems:  That this person begin to reinforce their agenda and ambitions with faith and new love - some positive emotion to balance out all the cerebral Swords influence.  If this querent does not heed this advice, all of the cards from the last three days predict the querent will not find the happiness or success that they've been sacrificing and fighting for; only loneliness.


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