a romantic Aquarius

knight of cups + seven of wands  
Today's querents may be a romantic Aquarius (Knight of Cups) and a Pisces, who aren't seeing eye to eye.  This Aquarius - a protector of the heart - is defensive and ready to fight, and s/he thinks their enemy is the Pisces.  No fighting has actually started, and this Aquarius should stop waiting for a challenge from the Pisces.  Instead, the Aquarius should start expecting the Pisces to deliver or arrive at a new creative opportunity (Knight of Cups).  Esp if the Aquarius worries the Pisces will make a bad decision, the Aquarius should let down his or her guard, since any fighting might unintentionally break the heart that the Aquarius is trying to protect.
In tarotmancy, the sign Aquarius (January 21 to February 20) is represented by the Knight of Cups in Minor Arcana (February 9 to 20) and the Star in Major Arcana.  Since we had the Star in our last tarot reading, it's possible today is a continuation of yesterday's VERY POSITIVE MESSAGE, except today forewarns an Aquarius of possible emotional damage.  This Water-Bearer's defensive character isn't a good way to protect a lover or relative from the dangers of the world.  If anything, the Aquarius may want to take a break from focusing on the other person and turn inward, to process why and when s/he can become so triggered.  There's a beautiful self-acceptance in saying to yourself, "I was attacked in such-and-such a way during my youth/past, and I become worried/protective that the person I love could be attacked in the same way."  And then move forward, slowly and more gently protecting the beloved Pisces.
Dedicated to the Aquarians who blow me over with how they succeed in my being ultra cool and also incredibly kind - Uncle Robert, Pop Pop, and the Beecher.  Happy birthday season.  ♥


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