made the decision

hanged man + seven of swords  
Even though today's querent recently made the decision to release something or someone, this person still feels frustrated and trapped within their self-induced period of transition (the Hanged Man).  This person's self-limiting mindset is suspending their mental preparedness for the future (Seven of Swords).  Today's tarot card combination encourages this person to discipline him- or herself for the near future, when they'll finally be able to get business done.
There is a similar energy and message between yesterday's tarot - QUERENT'S INNER STATE - and today's.  If we assume that they're connected, then these two readings depict a situation which the querent is not happy about (the Hanged Man).  Although our querent's inner state of being continues to lack perspective and direction, today's tarotscope offers a solution:  Start visualizing desired results, beyond the love that you've walked away from (Seven of Swords).


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