very positive message


the star + six of cups  

   Tonight's very positive message is for two querents who love one another and believe that nothing is impossible (The Star).  With innocence, these two are looking at their shared past -- remembering how they started together, and examining how their relationship has grown into a respite from the outside world.  Even if any memories fill their hearts with resentment, these two querents will remain calm and never question their love (Six of Cups).  They share a willingness to learn from one another and to keep giving to each other.  Although it is likely this couple exudes a very emotional and "woo-woo" vibe, they also possess the ability to act and achieve together.  They could undertake an artistic entrepreneurial path as business partners.  They should definitely fill their home - and future workspace - with lots of flowers.
Tonight's cards are from Thoth Tarot.


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