large-scale eradication

the world + ten of swords  
There are several ways to read this card combination.  Here is one interpretation:  Today's querent is assured success when they travel, and this person may be traveling to Location B because everything at Location A has been totally destroyed (water pollution, fire, war, or some other large-scale eradication).  Because of Ten of Swords, we know this destruction is initiated specifically by a person, not nature; but a person without any regard or respect for the querent and the ecosystem that was Location A.  While the destruction of Location A may have been catastrophic and might have caused widespread suffering or loss, the querent's departure to Location B will lead to a new life path and new community - offering the querent a chance to recover within a new environment.  In this catholic card combination, with its setting of a big and/or natural place - Location A could be a lake region, town, neighborhood, or apartment building - I think the kernel of this combination is our querent who can get up and out of the rubble; who can disengage from the strife the assailant causes; who can move onto a better habitat and community.  No matter how much suffering surrounds our querent, she or he is able to move on - both geographically and emotionally.  Because this person has something they want to accomplish, and nothing is going to stop them.  During the dark night of the soul, this person has been able to locate and head in the direction of the new dawn.


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