
the empress + the hierophant  
Today's creative parents-to-be are spouses and passionate lovers.  The wife is pregnant, and her beautiful baby might be due at the end of May or in the first half of June.  The child will look like its affectionate mother, who is a religious and somewhat innocent woman and whose parenting style is traditional (Hierophant).  In general, this wife's been the dominant spouse who has steered the direction of her marriage.  As a mother, she'll steer the growth of her family.  This couple shares a single mindset, but the pregnancy has made these spouses even more focused on and involved in their marriage, maybe more than they have ever been.  One spouse is an intellectual Libra (Empress), while the other spouse is a nurturing Taurus who might be associated with the law - perhaps as a lawyer or a politician.  The privileged couple is stepping into parenthood comfortably and without worry, and especially for the wife this pregnancy has been an experience in the fullness of womanhood.  As this woman gives life to a newborn person, her own humanity is becoming more beautiful.  A community of people is watching this couple grow into a traditional household; witnessing the growth of this family.
Cards from Universal Wirth Tarot.


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