a quiet exterior

temperance + the fool  
Under a quiet exterior (Temperance), our querent is yearning for freedom and happiness.  First, this querent needs to patiently learn about balance.  This person has guides, from whom he or she can learn, whose example he or she can follow.  Because the guides are healthy and optimistic in the ways our querent wants to grow / become (Temperance + Fool).  Prone to sadness, there is unexpected healing and happiness heading into our querent's life.
Yesterday's PAGE OF PENTACLES could certainly benefit from a dose of happiness and guidance, so I am going connect the tarotscopes, because it intuitively feels helpful to do this for yesterday's Virgo (or Capricorn).  That person is beginning to experience inner calm and harmony (the Temperance card).  Perhaps s/he is beginning to understand that any recent money problems have actually been problems with moderation.  This querent can regain strength by investing energy into the realization of their ideas, especially the "crazier" ideas.  Because those ideas would provide this querent with the freedom and happiness they are yearning for.


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