astro taroscopes for march 2020

Tomorrow will be my mother's birthday, so I thought I would do some special astro tarot juju, in acknowledgement of the luckiest and most celebratory Friday the 13th that we all could hope for.

Because news is delayed (Page of Swords), circumstances call for your to prepare while you wait.  You have security and faith, but what more do you want?  Do you want a pet or another pet (Nine of Pentacles)?  Wealth you already have would help to make you a wonderful pet parent. At first you might feel self-conscious living in alignment with these new desires and decisions, but who you are can always grow and expand.  So for the rest of March 2020, during your downtime, while you wait for news to be delivered, contemplate what more you want from life.

Make your own decision regarding an apprenticeship (Three of Pentacles), and if other people start nosing in with opinions about your professional trajectory, then it's okay to throw attitude at them:  "Hey, this is my decision to make!  Not yours."  Something like that; you get a pass for March - hand stubbornly on hip (Queen of Swords).  And it's very likely there will be one or two conversations like this, because your tarot combination encourages you to remain transparent about this apprenticeship or study opportunity, even when others are not completely on board.

There will be the renewal of an important childhood friendship with someone who has matured (Queen of Cups) since you last knew them.  When assessing this situation, realize and accept that this old friend is no longer the child you knew.  Perhaps this old friend matured because they themself gave birth to a child and/or now have a baby (the Page of Cups).  During the reacquaintance, it's important for you to remember that you don't know who this old friend has become, because their youthfulness is in the past, and now you are getting to know someone who has grown both spiritually and emotionally.  You must be senstive to this old pal, in order for the renewed friendship to be healthy and happy for all involved.  Whoever the mother is - either you or the old friend - she will be very serious about this second chapter of friendship.

As soon as you get good news, apply yourself fully (Knight of Cups).  Love and joy are coming your way, dear Gem.  Sometime during March 2020, a romantic letter - or letters - will be sent to your home.  There has been a long estrangement in your life, but within a few months, you will have everything and everybody you're wishing for right now (Knight of Cups + Page of Wands).  You are no longer romanticizing travel in strange lands.  Instead, you want all the familiar things and beloved folks from that place you call HOME.  Keep your cheer - because those people and places want you too, and within a few months you'll know just how mutual and deep the love is.

In front of you are two different things you could do with your personal wealth (the Six of Pentacles).  Know that after whatever decision you ultimately make, you'll have enough money to handle problems that arise and pay the bills.  During March 2020, you are able to give to others without losing your grounding (Six of Pentacles).  Choose the relationship option over money concerns, as actively giving will indirectly stabilize an extremely important connection.

Going down a rabbit hole of information that piques your intellect (High Priestess) is your route to success. If you've recently become interested tarot, then get yourself a deck that is specifically designed for occult purposes, and confidently start learning how to read the cards.  Because a tarot practice will help you to better understand others at a soul level, my dear Leo, and that spiritual insight will help you to gain fortune and authority as a public figure (High Priestess).

For you, my Virgo pal - and ooooh, how I adore this humble zodiac clan - I picked the same combo from exactly one week ago, PAST IS PROLOGUE.  To build upon that reading, I'd suggest seeking out an intellectual Leo who can help you make progress (Three of Wands) as you follow a dream.  Problems of your youth are over and long gone (Eight of Cups).  At this more mature time in your life, if you wanna explore, get out there!  Visit new oceans and hike new mountains!

You're running away from a celebratory community (Four of Wands), because you aren't being honest with yourself about what you want from this community.  Perhaps you did something dishonorable in order to spare the feelings of this community, but any dishonesty is proving to be more harmful than helpful (Seven of Swords).  This is a happy community, and you have a right to remain a member of it, but first you must come clean and apologize.  We aren't always dishonest in a nasty way, and March 2020 is your chance to face up to the music / heal your community in a truthful way.  Plus, there's going to be an important party  you shouldn't miss.  ♥

Because you are restless, you have been self-absorbed and causing conflict (Four of Cups).  Then after you have caused this discord, you go within, not giving a thought to the aftereffects of arguments you started.  It's likely this strife is occurring with a Cancer, whose feelings you are ignoring (Four of Cups), and the tension is extra thick if this Cancer is your mother.  Here is the tarot's advice for you:  For the rest of March 2020, make space between you and this Cancer.  Step away.  Take very deep breaths.  For the next three weeks, don't start any more arguments.

Be generous with a Scorpio (King of Cups).  Perhaps you are thinking about marrying a Scorpio, not so much for love, but because you know that you can provide this Scorpio with the money, support, and serenity that s/he needs.  This would not be a divine or emotional marriage.  It would be a mutually beneficially, unusual, and creative arrangement (the Ten of Pentacles reversed).  The relations between you and your spouse would be unorthodox but functional.  So it would be wise to negotiate a prenuptial agreement with a matrimonial lawyer - especially since, one of you, in your heart of hearts, does not expect or want this to be a lifelong marriage.

With Venus in Taurus for much of March 2020, many of us have been edgy about materials.  Specifically for some Capricorns, while it has not been easy, you've worked hard to achieve financial health, and starting this month you can finally pay bills.  After serving your boss, wealth (Queen of Pentacles) is triumphantly on its way to you.  You're coming out on top, Team Capricornia, and Sag bosses may have helped you to make the right choices as you nurtured financial plans.  You heard the advice this mentor shared, you followed directions/suggestions, now you're walking away with a prize.  You should take great pride in the work you've done and the subsequent wealth, but this pride (Six of Wands) might feel inappropriate or uncomfortable for you.  And sure you don't need to make a big to-do about your financial gain, but definitely celebrate with your boss who helped you to triumphantly get to this place of wealth and success.  Because over the course of 2019 and 2020, Sags have almost exclusively focused only on those people they care about - while politely ignoring or pushing away those they do not care about.  Sagittarius people are usually serious about their relationships, bordering on parental.  So if your boss helped, s/he really cares about you.  This material milestone means as much to you as it does to your boss.  With Venus in Taurus for most of March 2020, celebrate with this Sag by celebrating the five senses - talk and laugh together outside the workspace, maybe while strolling in nature.  And now that your mind is at ease about money matters, dear Goat, your body will relax and heal too.  By the end of this year, you'll look back on 2020 as a year of material possessions and good health.  You'll probably wrap more presents next holiday season!  Postscript: The overall luck for Sagittarius in 2020 is with ups and downs, so whenever your boss/pal comes to you for support and suggestions, then it will be your turn to help him or her.

Your March 2020 is about a partnership that is true love (Two of Cups), but your part in this relationship is deceptively passive.  It'd help if you came off as indifferent.  It'd be helpful if you napped, read a book, listened to your favorite album - resting alone in some cozy corner without your romantic partner (Four of Swords).  Express the caring you feel by staring into your lover's eyes ... but that's it.  No more is needed for the month of March.  Your love is rock-solid stable, and so you can take a break from growing it.  Retreat, and let the partnership just be/breathe.


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