our creative querent

the fool + three of pentacles  
Just to sound like a broken record - apologies to regular readers, I do shuffle my cards - it's likely that our creative querent is a Capricorn who is in a positive place with their work.  This is a very powerful card combination about a querent's creative subconscious (The Fool).  This Capricorn is a master or mistress in their career field, and he or she is part of an excellent team, but at the moment this competent team is at odds with each other.  This team doesn't work for money, as finances are stable for all of them (the Three of Pentacles).  This team is working to have an influence and impact on the future.  However, something that our powerful Capricorn isn't fully aware of is how their work is the stuff that dreams are made of, and so this Capricorn and their team really are creating a new reality for future generations.
In the Major Arcana, the World is followed by the innocent Fool.  Since we had the World yesterday, let's assume today continues to probe that SATISFIED QUERENT who is stepping into a beginning with certainty about the originality and essence of mankind.  Folks around this querent appreciate how he or she collaboratively follows their dreams.  This querent's search for elements and resources becomes a group process of inspiration, which is full of spontaneity and imagination.  While conducting daily activities, this querent operates at a heightened awareness, maybe because this person studies the occult or has a relationship with God.  Today's tarot card combination is encouragement for our querent - and his or her support network - to continue executing their long term plans with both skill and certainty.
Today's cards come from the Witches Tarot.


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