people and traditions

eight of cups + six of cups  
Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives.  -Dalai Lama
The things, people, and traditions within the life of today's querent have wound up owning our querent (Eight of Cups), and the querent wants out of this dominating and defeating situation, so sometime soon there'll be a change in the course of this querent's life.  With a smile on his or her face, issuing a sincere and peaceful apology, the querent will explain to those things and people that the love has gone (the Eight of Cups).  Because this querent realized that he or she no longer loves their partner and the life created with this partner.  There is a joy of nostalgia and a fond memory of when these accomplisments and traditions were meaningful, but there are also seeds of discord starting to sprout.  If today's querent is a woman of the water sign Cancer, a change in her course of life will lead to motherhood.  Whatever the querent's zodiac sign, remember to express gratitude to those things, people, and traditions by giving flowers or other gifts, before moving onto the next and happier chapter of life - because the querent's partner did nothing wrong, and the years of loyalty to our querent deserve acknowledgement.


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