energetic querent

page of wands + page of swords  
Today's energetic querent should be on the lookout for a letter about someone's pregnancy (Page of Swords).  This querent is separated from the pregnant woman* because the querent is off on a mysterious adventure.  Our querent and the pregnant woman don't understand one another, and the pregnant woman believes the querent is foolish for being off on an adventure, but our querent doesn't really care about what the pregnant woman - or anybody else - thinks.  What keeps these two different people in a relationship is their shared history and their ability to remain truthful with each other (Page of Swords with a Wands card), and it'd be kinda weird and rude if this pregnant woman didn't share her news with our querent.
* The good news might come from a man whose female partner has become pregnant, and then the lack of understanding will be between our querent and the man delivering this news.


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