taroscopes for april

Taroscopes for April 2020:

With all of the world either under a curfew or in isolation because of the coronavirus, March was extreme and - astrologically speaking - April will be equally extreme, partly because Jupiter and Pluto will form a conjunction today.  This is an astro alignment that only happens every thirteen years, making it an important energetic event that occurs only once a decade.  In our personal lives, the conjunction between Jupiter-Pluto influences how you will spend these next thirteen years trying to make it BIG in this world, trying to become MORE free, and chasing your most firm and IMPORTANT purpose(s).  And that's what the April taroscopes will be about - your HIGHEST purpose(s), making it big, living LARGE and free.  Enjoy and stay healthy!

After getting good news, your response might be self-pity (Five of Cups).  This news will be a painful message, resulting in emotional dejection.  The good news might actually be an apology you deserve, but instead of bringing you peace and closure, the news or apology stirs up a struggle within you (Five of Cups).  After losing a loved one, this Jupiter-Pluto influence can help you to rebuild/reinvent yourself.  So instead of self-pity, figure out what dreams are conjured up by this news and loss.  Aim to grow from the pain of this message, and then it's likely you'll have years of personal reinvention ahead of you.  Just remember and repeat "Yes, I can.  Yes, I will."

Although the social situation scares most folks (Tower), you're maintaining a generally positive mood.  In the blink of an eye, we all have witnessed Mother Nature become "bad" and swing into a deconstruction phase, but you've decided to focus on the good things within your individual life.  Yes there've been BIG changes in plans, and everything seems to be falling apart in the natural world (Tower), but your response has been to accept the smaller good stuff and let go of the rest.  This is a smart move for you, Taurus.  Keep tunnel vision on the things which will elevate your life in the long run - getting ahead in your career, hobbies, vocations, and etcetera.

April 2020 is a very good month for Gemini, bringing excitement and wish fulfillment (the Nine of Cups).  Where you might have been opposed in the past, this month you will finally start to get what you want, and it will level you UP UP UP.  It seems that you have already been quite persistent about your higher purpose, long before today's Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, and so now you are stepping into a thirteen-year chapter that will be rather content.  Congrats!  Regarding a sensual relationship, consider setting out on a journey with this partner (the Two of Wands).  

During April 2020, Cancers are able to achieve perfection because this zodiac clan is enjoying financial security (the Nine of Pentacles).  However, a primary relationship isn't perfect, and you are repressing your feelings about this failing connection.  The tarot cards offer a few ways to deal with this bad relationship, and one solution would be to go on an adventure without your partner (the Nine of Pentacles + Eight of Pentacles Reversed).  You're not going away for good, but some space will help.  Over the next few years, if you remain with this partner, you could be blocked or repressed when it's time to make big life decisions and changes.  So figure out this relationship right now, before it's set in stone for the next 10+ years.  Do you want financial prosperity with a partner, or spiritual abundance without this person?  Because while this relationship makes you financially successful, it may leave you emotionally repressed and empty.

This April's taroscope is for a Leo whose sense of well-being is in conflict with an emotionally dejected Aries (Five of Cups Rx).  Accept that you're healthier without this struggling Aries, and then go seek out people who are more artistic/creative.  Because your good mental health cannot be met and mirrored by this Aries within your life, but you should express that more gently that I just have.  Simply tell this Aries that you are happy and you need to be with people who are happy in the same way (Page of Cups).  Free yourself from this self pitying partner - once, for all, and for good.  Free yourself, so that you can live a positive happy life.  Today's Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is a gateway into a long-term state of sukha.  Claim and protect your peace of mind.

My dear patient Virgo (Strength), know that you are fighting for the right thing and rely on your inner strength - which is one of the most admirable traits of your sign, by the way ♥.  I have witnessed Virgos fight mighty fights, so slowly and so steadily for years, and it's amazing and respectable.  Obviously I have unshakable faith in you, but you must also keep faith in your ability to overcome obstacles (Seven of Wands) - and to protect yourself and those dearest to you.  If you have not already, write down your longterm purpose and vision, and then spend the next decade making that happen.  You have successfully overcome a self-defeating unconscious matter, and now it is time overcome the next mighty item on your "spiritual progress" to-do list.

This taroscope is for those single Libras looking for that special someone (the Two of Cups).  You may be already dating this person, but in conflict with them.  Perhaps it's your first argument, but don't ignore the cold reality of this situation.  In fact, use this conflict to continue learning about your special someone (Two of Cups), as this is the first phase of what will be a years-long relationship.  During April, set aside some time for plain talk between you and your lover.  Don't hesitate to dominate this conversation.  Don't give up on this partner or establishing long-term harmony with them.  The reciprocated love between you two requires swift action and healing.

A relationship is developing in your life (Lovers), and it is complex yet pleasant because your partner brings harmonious energy to this relationship.  So after a period of loneliness, Scorpio, you've found a mutual love where you both can help each other - and help others.  It's nice that you two are at the same comfortable financial level (Six of Pentacles).  There's no income or class disparity.  Over the next decade, as a couple you will probably give generously to charities.

A new career opportunity will bring long-term prosperity (the Ace of Pentacles).  Your higher self has led you to this new opportunity; has been turning your thoughts toward abundance.  In addition to your business skills - which will provide you with a positive future - there's also a divine boost to your material force (Ace of Pentacles).  The situations you see in front of you are on offer and available, as higher and invisible forces wanna help you make a mark on this world.

Do not doubt a gesture of goodwill (Six of Cups).  Yes there is alot of anger in this world, but that isn't you.  You aren't angry or conservative with kindness.  During April, reach out to an old friend and offer them something.  Even if you worry that this friend angry with you, reach out and show this person some love (Six of Cups).  You've been thinking about this old friend, and it's time to courageously ask to renew the friendship.  Because yes, it's time to have this person in your life again - for the long haul.  Next time around, hold them tight; do not let them go ♥♥.

When I pulled your powerful tarot card combination, dear Aquarius, my initial gut reaction was a "whoooooooooa..."  You should turn to a spiritually intuitive woman in your life (the High Priestess).  This will be a conventional woman who is keeping her cool during the scary coronavirus pandemic, and you and this woman are probably associated by some traditional institution like family and/or school.  There is a reverence about this woman, and over the next few years you should develop a deeply religious connection with her (the High Priestess).  Because this woman will help you discover things that you haven't yet learned about your life.

Entering a new phase in your relationship (the Ace of Wands), you're about to become the more responsible one when it comes to love.  Esp if your lover is an Aries, expect to enjoy a long-term and deeply satisfying love relationship (the Ace of Wands) because a new passionate force is rising within you.  You already think that your pookie is the sexiest person alive but - on top of this mega attraction - your creative insight is going to enhance the sexual connection with your partner.  For the next decade, your highest priority will be this partner and private relationship.


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