more committed

hierophant + eight of swords  
The goal of [a relationship] is not to think alike, but to think together.  ~Robert Dodd
Today's querent should expect for a relationship to become more committed (the Hierophant), but when that happens, the querent should refrain from giving unwanted advice.  Yes - just when this person feels more bound by duty to someone else, that's when this person will feel unheard (Eight of Swords) - and then our querent could be conflicted and confused about his/her greater relationship responsibilities.  I suspect maybe today's message to a querent is to not think the other person is in a crisis.  Perhaps our querent should give the other person social and emotional credit, and this is why the cards are suggesting our querent refrain from giving unwanted advice.  The stronger card in this tarot combination is the commitment card, indicating that our querent might want to be more focused on the new relationship milestone.
Today's cards are from the Royal Road.


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