tarotscopes for may 2020

Tarotscopes for May:
Primary Relationships  

Tarot talks to me - not the other way around - and what May's tarot cards expressed were insights into how we are influencing relationships.  I wrote the horoscopes for our sun signs, which shape outer personalities.  But if you know your moon sign, which regulates your inner personality, definitely check out that astro forecast.

TAURUS:    May is your month.  Happy spring and happy birthday, you Bull.  As a present, I offer you great cards and news - Judgment with the Sun.  On the 11th, Saturn retogrades, stimulating personal growth in a love relationship.  As you quarantine, don't hesitate to dive into a fundamental self-eval, considering what you need in a relationship.  A birthday is a personal anniversary, so don't hesitate to embark on the next year rebirthed, relieved, rejoicing with your beloved!  Let your soul evolve by embracing lightbulb moments of realization regarding your love - this will lead to enlightenment.

GEMINI:  While you might have been confused about a creative friendship, get ready for May to be a romantic month when this confident crony becomes your knight - or dame - in shining armor (Knight of Cups).  This romance should put you in touch with your shadow self, which then gives you greater professional control (the Devil).  However, don't take the romance too seriously.  Because your time with this person is a temporary tryst. Then, my fellow Gemini, whenever you and this pal stop sleeping together, your takeaway will be clarity about [1] your creative friend and [2] your own professional potential.

CANCER:  For your May, dear Cancer, I picked the Knight of Pentacles with the Queen of Pentacles.  Because this Queen is paired with a Knight card, you will be quite serious about a young male who is immature.  He might be a new lover who is about less talk and more action.  When it comes to this lover, although he is younger and less mature than you, he will be a boyfriend who brings security to your home life.  Spend May sheltering in place and getting to know one another.  While you're faithful when it comes to love, you'll probably find out that your young lover is equally experienced and powerful in his own special way.
But suppose the relationship with this younger male is platonic.  Suppose he's your family member.  It's possible he is a Capricorn (Wheel of Fortune), around whom the scary winds of social change are swirling. While quarantining at home, this young man may be experiencing anxiety about the fact that folks are dying from the virus.  So do something creative and artsy for this younger male relative (Knight of Swords); something to help him feel settled and safe.

LEO:  My oh my.  You looking good, Leo!  (the Fool)  Who says there isn't a cool coronavirus style?  I bet your cloth mask matches the pattern on your shirt and/or socks.  Yessss please, keep it kicky and fun during the current quarantine, you footloose Lion.  Because during May 2020, you are embracing and enjoying newness in one form or another.  Your long term view of success has brought you to a very joyful phase of life - especially in a primary relationship.

VIRGO:  In May 2020, you will be challenged to stand up for what you believe in (Seven of Wands) especially when it comes to generosity with your wealth.  While you will be passionate about your morals, there'll also be confusion about how to apply yourself in an authoritative way (Seven of Wands).  To manifest your desires in a fair way, give enough money to your community.  Seven of Wands sends a clear message to contemplate all opinions - even the sinister and negative ones - and then you'll be able to successfully support others in a fair way.
However, if you are a Virgo who has lost their job because of the coronavirus.  If you see your income and wealth dwindling, it might feel impossible to manifest your desires, much less go food shopping!  So in that case, support other people simply by reaching out to them, having conversations with them, listening to their opinions.  Your presence inspires a loving feeling in others.  Folks♥you.  So zoom with your community, call them, text till you have no more data! 

LIBRA:  Your high hopes are causing you emotional confusion (Seven of Cups), and during May 2020 you are tempted to seek a solution to some secret and shady dealings of your past. One solution is to examine your past and figure out whom you must apologize to.  Within the realms of your imagination, when dreaming of past times, your mind might wander back to a moment when you sought and secured solace from a friend (Six of Cups).  However, even though this friend provided you with solace and comfort, you did not help them out when they needed the same, and in May 2020 the source of your confusion will stem from financial speculation and how perhaps your didn't financially help a friend when you could have.  Now you feel like you emotionally and finacially "cheated" this pal.  So during May 2020, make contact with this friend and be open with them that you're sorry.  Especially if this is a relationship with a Gemini, then the openness and reconciliation will feel refreshing for you - because you will have taken the time to reestablish emotional stability with this person you love.  Return to this pal, trusting that things will get better as you advance forward together.

SCORPIO:  During May 2020, much of your focus may be on an older and paternal man (the Emperor).  When it comes to your relationship with this older man, you're a detective about him and his life because you know that he is not being completely honest with you.  There have been warning signs, and you are worried about this paternal person - maybe your biological dad but maybe not; maybe another father figure.  So during May 2020, rationality will require a lot from you (the Emperor) - while you are seeking out hard answers and the establishment of concrete progress, in order to heal fear you feel concerning this older man.

SAGITTARIUS:  Your May 2020 will be an energetic and adventurous few weeks when you're uninhibitedly making choices (the Seven of Cups).  Yes, be energetic!  And make new choices!  But while you are so boldly living in the present, also keep everything simple and organized - because your decision to start afresh may start off in a strange and foolish way (the Fool), which will fizzle quickly.  Wishful thinking will be a decision making style that ruins and sabotages the new journey.  You're bravely taking a leap of faith because you believe it'll lead you to a paradise, but paradise will only be possible if you're fearless as well as fastidious.

CAPRICORN:  May is a month when you are emotionally balanced and when you will be able to showcase the power of your individual actions.  You'll achieve this emotional balance around May 6th when the South Node moves into Sagittarius for the next two years.  So starting this May and continuing until 18 January 2022, you are in the finest form to stand up for your beliefs.  The irony is you shouldn't isolate.  You need to be out in the world - however that's possible right now - you need to be fighting your enemies, because you can beat them.

AQUARIUS:    In May, you have the authority to continue a bad and backstabbing situation (Ten of Swords).  But come on, Aquarius, don't do that.  Don't be a baddie.  Make May a time when you follow the established and fair way of doing things, using your power to become completely financially stable (King of Pentacles).  If there's a situation involving an old person who recently died, try not to make enemies where possessions and prosperity are concerned.
The April 2020 taroscopes prompted you to turn to a spiritually intuitive woman in your life (the High Priestess).  So perhaps during May 2020, if you are tempted to be a backstabbing baddie, maybe you should ask this spiritually wise woman for advice on the fairest way to move forward (the King of Pentacles).  Because it seems like you might be abandoning a relationship, in the emotional sense of not caring whether or not your treat the other person with civility.  This lack of respect would lead to a lack of luck, so be careful with your actions and words.  Don't become too antagonist, and do not throw around angry words.  All of these traditional relationships are very close to you - they're inside relationships - family, longterm colleagues, and/or close friends.  So everyone in this situation probably knows everyone else, and the familiarity could amp up the dramatics quite quickly, too quickly.  So once again, in conclusion, be careful about verbal attacks that create enmity when there can be allegiance.

PISCES:  May brings you to a crossroads somewhere in your life (the Lovers), when you realize or remember that what goes up must come down.  Please respect that there are other folks in the universe besides yourself (Four of Cups).  If a relationship is going stale, this is happening because you're being self-absorbed and you're under-appreciating your romantic partner.  But the decreasing appreciation is a result of overexposure.  During this isolation, you two might be spending too much time together.  Whenever you need to revitalize your romantic relationship, take a break / temporarily refocus on a positive business partnership.
For those adult Pisceans who are 40+ years young, I would like to rewind back to the word "crossroads."  Because wherever you find yourself at a crossroads may be reminiscent of your life back in 1983 or 2001, which were the last times the South Node visited Sagittarius.  (South Node returns to Sag on May 5th, remaining in this sign until 18 January 2022.) South Node indicates the past, and either 1983 or 2001 might have been a year when you learned and experienced the lesson of others becoming as - or more - important than you.  With the South Node returning to Sagittarius in May, you might find yourself needing to balance your romantic partnership with your old schooldays and/or current university education.  You may be contemplating what holds you back from your life purpose, now and also in 1983 or 2001.

ARIES:  During May 2020, you might realize you are not in a leadership role right now.  Nevertheless, you'll exude an attractive warmth and energy (the Queen of Wands).  The powerful presence of a kind relative or family member will make you feel abit wild and brash and, in turn, you will teach this kind person a valuable lesson about moving through change with self-confidence (Queen of Wands).  One challenge will be defiance but, more than that, your presence is just super pleasing to this relative who eagerly wants to interact with  you.

Queen of Wands from Robin Wood Tarot 

Have a clarifying question about your horoscope?  Perhaps you are a Capricorn with questions about the next two years of South Node in Sagittarius.  Maybe you're a Libra seeking a second solution for repairing a friendship or another relationship. Whatever your astrological clan, thanks for reading Beyond Breath, and do not hesitate to comment below or to send a note to bishop@beyondbreathtarot.com.  Stay cool, babycakes, and please stay safe.


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