happy changes


wheel of fortune + eight of wands  

   Today's combination indicates happy changes (the Wheel of Fortune), which will progress with predestined haste and quickness.  These cards are a reminder that life's a game show; the wheel of life similar to the one in Wheel of Fortune or the Price Is Right, and the prize promised by this combo is the end of some delay in the querent's emotional life.  The Fates are focused on this querent (the Wheel of Fortune); they're rushing to perfectly tie together all important elements of some overdue action.  A third card could clarify what the overdue action is, but without this card, a safe guess is the overdue action will seem like some whirlwind result of random luck.  But -- within day-to-day reality -- the changes in our qurent's life station have been ongoing and have led to today's card combination, guaranteeing opportunities for the querent to spend a holiday traveling and/or to experience deep(er) love with a Sagittarius.


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