GEMINI:    At the start of June, things look bad (Ten of Swords), and you may be feeling regretful.  Eventually you will become peaceful and purposeful, after you accept that something must die - or end - for there to be a new tomorrow - or beginning (Ten of Swords).  It is very important you spend June letting go of something, so you spend the rest of this summer moving onto something, someone, and/or some place that is much more inspiring and positive.

Famous Gems:  Johnny Depp, Donald John Trump, Michael J. Fox, and Lauryn Hill 

CANCER:    Is love feeling like a burden (Ten of Wands)?  In June, perhaps concentrate more on having your own needs met.  But if that feels too actively selfish, simply become non-active about your partner and relationship (High Priestess).  And then, whenever become intensely interested in something outside of the relationship, follow your curiosity while remembering that your partner's happy when you're happy.  I recently found a quotation which resonated with me.  It goes, "'Don't just treat others how you would like to be treated; treat yourself how you would like to be treated' (Daniel Chidiac).  Your relationship might be feeling like a burden because you've forgetten that you have as much of a duty to yourself as you do to your partner.

Famous Cancers:  Meryl Streep, Solange, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, and Cyndi Lauper 

LEO:  During your unpleasant June, within your lion's den, all will be fair in love and conflict (Five of Wands).  You and someone else are at each other's throats.  Maybe someone has become hostile because he or she feels as though they have to work too hard for you.  Especially if you are in the middle of disagreement while also fightng an illness, then your best advantages is your highly-potent self-confidence.  If you are a confident Leo woman, then this is a relatively new challenge, but as long as your remain patient during any struggles, in the end you will courageously triumph over this strife in your life (Five of Wands) - during disagreements, when looking for a compromise, rely on your confidence amd animus, since they are your advantages.

Famous Leos:   Barack Hussein Obama, J.K. Rowling, Jennifer Lopez, Daniel Radcliffe

VIRGO:  You got the drive and control to succeed in this journey of love (Chariot)!  When working to overcome romantic conflicts, communicate with sensitivity but also with determination and focus.  Make messages surprising by exposing just how much sheer hard work you're willing to invest in this love (Page of Cups).  Remind your other half that you are happy to help however you can.  Especially if your partner is of the water sign Cancer or Pisces, promise this partner that you're happy to help him or her with their objectives.

Famous Virgos:  Idris Elba, Adam Sandler, Sean Connery, Beyoncé, and Kobe Bryant

LIBRA:  Whenever it comes to spiritual love, embrace originality (Ten of Pentacles + Three of Wands).  This month, spiritual relationships will make you tick.  If you're inspired to travel with or to family, definitely plan to do so as soon as possible - preferably by train.  There may be opposition this month whenever you try proving to a relative that you plan to walk with them through this lifetime.  But bringing your physical body to this relative, traveling to wherever this relative is, and/or traveling with this relative is proof of your deeply emotional and spiritual love.

Famous Libras:  John Lennon, Eminem, Mahatma Gandhi, and Augustus Caesar

SCORPIO:    In the face of material losses that have accumulated and created debt, June 2020 promises to be an extremely meaningful month for you (the Devil).  One situation in particular is especially grim - because you were really hoping it wouldn't happen.  The problem is that you had experienced success in monetary matters; then you became completely seduced by the material world (the Devil); and you've become neglectful of the human spirit.  Caged in by materialism and an abundance of luxury, you have accrued a spiritual deficit.  Until now.  Over the course of June 2020, in slow degrees, day by day, and step by step, take care of your mental health issues.  Instead of fighting about money, use this hard month to make yourself and your relationship(s) healthier.  Moderating your attitude toward money will strengthen your spirit.

Famous Scorpios:  Picasso, Bill Gates, Matthew McConaughey, and Whoopi Goldberg

SAGITTARIUS:    Ironically - your June could be a mighty month, as long as you can remain balanced and neutral (the Queen of Cups).  By the end of this month, you may receive good tidings regarding a positive career change (Queen of Cups + Knight of Pentacles).  If there is a practical Virgo who can help with your professional development, collaborate with this unwavering colleague/confidante because you two can compassionately uplift the human race.

Famous Sagittarius:  Scarlett Johansson, Tina Turner, Taylor Swift, and Britney Spears

CAPRICORN:    In June, you will be uplifted and sustained by an ideal partner (the Magician), who'll pump up your willpower and help you see through illusion.  Keep on your toes, Cappie, as you promote and spread a global kind of happiness - which is a tough task, so accept support from your partner (Ten of Cups).  Your superpower is spreading happiness around this world, and while you do this much needed work, rely on the spiritual connection with your partner to remain fueled and fulfilled.  Fully supported, spend this month tapping into your full potential!

Famous Cappies:  Diane Sawyer, Ricky Martin, Sissy Spacek, and Timothée Chalamet

AQUARIUS:  Dear lucky Aquarius, you got an unfortunate relationship tarot reading...  But fortunately, nothing in the tarot is set in stone.  So if you and your sweetie haven't been able to kiss goodnight because you go to bed angry after aguments, the tarot is here to get you and your partner in crime back on track!  Can you tell I'm being overly optimistic on purpose, because I know how much this relationship means to you - cheerleading pom pom!  So, take a very deep breath.  Now take another.  Over the course of June 2020, rein in any aggression - "if you don't like what's being said, change the conversation" (Don Draper) - and work to share love again.

Famous Aquarians:  Lincoln, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, and Franklin D. Roosevelt

PISCES:    In June 2020, you might be restelessly waiting at a crossroads, to see if an authority figure will approve a vision that you hold very dear (the Seven of Pentacles).  If this authority figure is a bank manager or someone else in a similar financial position, then eventually their response to your application will be YES, and you will successfully negotiate a loan with them (the King of Pentacles).  The resulting harvest and its abundance are heading your way, Pisces.  But for now, hold tight and wait, continuing to follow the established way of doing things.

Famous Pisces:  Harvey Weinstein, Fred Rogers, Albert Einstein, and Johnny Cash


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